Archive for 'General'
Better than girls
Noi, who is pictured here, is from Vientiane in Laos, one of my favourite towns in Asia. She came to Bangkok to earn some money, and is working in Nana. When I photograph a girl as gobsmackingly gorgeous as Noi, I always think to myself that in a straight comparison between ladyboys and genetic girls, the genetic girls often don’t stand a chance.
Noi has all the aura of a female, and if you saw her in the street you would assume she was a girl. She is slightly built with a firm body, yet has the softening and cushioning of the skin that hormones induce. Her skin is almost completely blemish-free, and is soft and hairless. Her bottom is one of the most beautiful I have seen this year, being soft, smooth and creamy in texture.
Her cock is firm and has a cute little curve to one side. Despite the hormones it sprung into action immediately, and a glistening little dewdrop appeared on the end. It took her a while to cum, but she is a horny little minx. The kind of overt sexuality that sends hot shivers up and down your spine, and elsewhere. “You suck my cock now, and I cum very quick, sure.” Yes, well, we have all heard that one before, haven’t we. She got there in the end. What a lovely mess she made.
I had just returned from an overseas trip when I shot her pictures, and had been starved of ladyboy company for ten days. At that moment, if someone had put Noi in front of me together with an identical female Noi, I would without hesitation have chosen the ladyboy Noi. And that is from someone who has no problems whatsoever with women.
Of course, this is not the first time I have given thought to this, and have mentioned it before on this site. It is just that every now and again I find a ladyboy who is so utterly gorgeous, that I realise GGs so often trail a poor second.
I was talking over the weekend to a friend, and he casually mentioned his new girlfriend. “Female?” I asked, knowing his liking for ladyboys.
“No,” he replied. “Ladyboy. GGs just don’t do it for me anymore. I’ve finished with them.” I have a couple of other friends who say more or less the same. And the theme of any conversation with them is, that they have no interest in the gay scene or in males: it is only the ladyboys.
As for myself, even after all this time, I find ladyboys to be a continuous adventure. Many of them I photograph are brought to me, sight unseen, and I often never know quite who is going to walk through the door. On occasions I am disappointed. On other occasions, I am unmoved. But the Nois of this world, the Annabelles, the Pinkies, the Yings – all recent discoveries – leave me almost breathless with excitement. The same sort of feeling I had when I was a teenager. In those days, girls were almost untouchable. But ladyboys…well, they come looking for you.
Posted: November 19th, 2011 under General.
Tags: The ladyboy experience
Comments: 1
The balcony scene
I tend to use a number of set venues on a regular basis for photographing ladyboys. These are places I know I am safe. Shooting pornography is illegal in Thailand, and if I check into a hotel carrying a couple of big studio lights and am then followed by a steady procession of ladyboys, it will be obvious to even the slower type of security guard what I am doing.
There are a few hotels where I know I am reasonably safe, as I have used them for years without any trouble, and the staff know me. I’m a generous tipper under such circumstances. There are also a few apartments, one of them being in a riverside tower block, and featuring a particularly spacious balcony with a 180-degree view of the river and the street 15 floors below.
For a long time I used this balcony as a setting for the photographs, devoting the first part of the set to shots there before moving inside. In the end I used it too much. Even I realised that, but it was only when Webmaster Spike suggested that if he saw another balcony set he would throw me off it that I decided with reluctance to stop venturing out there with ladyboy and camera.
But it was a splendid setting. And it was also interesting in that it brought out the personality of the ladyboy I was photographing, for their responses to posing provocatively on the balcony were many and varied.
First, there were those who took one look at the unaccustomed height (Thais are not high-rise creatures) and declined to even venture out of the room. Then there were those who were convinced that, as they could see the entire world, the entire world could also see them. In vain I would argue that we were overlooked by no other buildings, that the nearest tower block was a hotel a mile or more away round the bend in the road, and that I had been on the ground level myself trying to see if I could see what was on my balcony, and that I could see nothing. It was simply too high up. The angle was wrong unless you moved a long way back along the road, by which time anything going on there was simply too small to see.
Then there were those who would stand in the shelter of the 6ft high potted fern and gently ease their pants down, which I always used to find pretty exciting. I got many good sequences with that type of model, particularly when the lighting was such that dramatic shadows of the fronds were thrown across wall and girl.
Best of all though, and I have to say these were pretty rare, were the ladyboys who would prance out onto the balcony, completely naked. Cherie was a master of this particular form of exhibitionism, always willing to display her gorgeous little body to the world in general. And taking shots of Cherie, and the others who pulled a similar stunt, was enormously exciting. The fact that they were there, totally naked, with life going on behind them unseeing and unknowing, was a big turn-on for me.
When you think about it, exhibitionism is what it is. We all, I think, have this tendency to want to do provocative things in public. Especially if we know we are safe.
Posted: October 2nd, 2011 under General.
Tags: The ladyboy experience
Comments: none
No money, no Honey
Honey, one of the regular models on the main site, has just gone to the island of Samui where she has a new job working in a ladyboy cabaret. I’m going to miss her. She certainly is one of the cutest ladyboys I’ve known in recent years, which is why I took so many stills sets and videos of her. A lovely face, perfect honey-coloured skin without a blemish to be seen, continually changing hair styles and colouring so that she never looked the same from one shoot to another, a tight little bottom, and a hard little cock with a pronounced foreskin. What more can one ask of a girl? But Honey’s looks have been changing. I had first taken her photograph when she just turned 18, and she is 20 now. Plus, as I know the family, I have actually known her since she was 16. So I have watched over the past four or five years how she has changed. I remember the outbreak of teenage spots on her face that so embarrassed her she stayed indoors until they had gone. I remember the teeth brace, a rather pretty green effort which were fine in reality but which looked like she had a mouth full of spinach when I tried photographing her. Don’t smile! I remember the dark-brown contact lenses that changed her eyes from being a clear light brown to a foxy glitter. Not a good look, Honey. Seeing her closeup so many times I came to know every square inch of her body. Her flat, boyish chest was not very photogenic, but the nipples stood out and looked sensual when shot from the side. Her bottom was tiny and very firm, but assumed a lovely oval shape when she was on her elbows and knees, looking bigger and plumper than it actually was. I watched with great interest how the light pubic hair growth of an 18-year-old continued to grow until by 20 her pubes were long, thick and silky. I noted also that she seemed to have a permanent hard-on. There was always a goodly bulge in her knickers and when the pants came down her cock would spring free without any need at all for stimulation. The foreskin was long, hanging naturally over the glans even when her cock was fully erect, but leaving an enticing opening through which the moist pink head could be seen. She could slide it all the way back, but usually preferred not too, as the skin was tight. Having observed her so intimately through the second half of her teens, I have seen the changes a ladyboy goes through. We all of course change dramatically at that age, but with a ladyboy whose main desire is to be as feminine as possible, the changes are acute. In Honey’s case she has gone from a winsome-faced youngster to, in recent months, a more masculine looking person. She doesn’t take hormones – says they don’t agree with her – and so consequently she has simply been following the path to natural maturity. Don’t get me wrong. She is still very feminine, because she embarked on the ladyboy lifestyle before she even reached puberty, and to her it is entirely natural. But the cuteness she had in those early shots when she was 18 has matured out of her: she is taller, leaner, and her facial bone structure has become more pronounced. Still very attractive, yes, but different. I was very much aware of it at the time, but going back through the sets to select the photos for this piece, I was even more aware of the changes. I have placed the pix here in chronological order, so you can see for yourselves.
Ageing is a problem that ladyboys face more acutely than anyone else. I see them in extreme close-up, and I can usually work out roughly how old they are at first glance, before I even check their ID. Female hormones will of course distort the appearance in some ways, plumping out faces and bodies and keeping the skin soft and supple, but I can usually tell when the ladyboy before me is 25, rather than 22, and certainly 18. This is especially so when the clothes come off. I very seldom photograph a ladyboy in the upper-20s age range. This is mainly through personal preference. I do know some of the older ones of 30 or so who have matured well, mainly through good genetics rather than any systematic attempts to stay young. But the bloom has gone, the sexuality of a young ladyboy beginning to realise just how desirable she is, and the mature person standing before me will look a lot different to the way she looked ten years previously. But by that age anyway, many ladyboys have removed themselves from the scene. They have gone past the stage of working in the bars and have graduated to either being taken care of by a regular partner or have gone into business, gone back upcountry, or joined a cabaret, which tend to prefer the more seasoned and reliable types, rather than the youngsters who will disappear at the slightest chance to make more money.
If they are cabaret performers, then their free time is limited, with evening shoots usually out of the question, and although I have taken photos of many cabaret girls, they have generally arrived late in the afternoon and been in a great rush to get to the theatre in time for costumes and rehearsals. So, when you go to see a ladyboy cabaret in Thailand (and I do recommend it as hugely entertaining, although almost entirely free of sexual innuendo), be aware that these are mostly mature ladyboys, more so than those you will meet in the go-go bars such as Cascade and KC3. I am sure that Honey will do well at the Samui cabaret. She has always been a cabaret performer, but usually it has been with travelling shows, of which there are many in Thailand. Often I have received a call from her, sounding full of fun, telling me she is in Phuket or Hua Hin or out in the sticks somewhere taking part in a friend’s travelling show. She is a natural mover, and being about five-seven in height and very slender, I am sure she will look fantastic on stage.I asked her why she is moving to Samui. She told me she has no money, and that in Bangkok she was finding it difficult to get regular work. Because of her cabaret work over the years she has plenty of contacts in the business, and when the offer came up to go down south, she took it. She told me that she wants to have a boob job done, and to try and save. She can do this by working in Samui. I’m going to miss her.
Posted: September 25th, 2011 under General.
Tags: The ladyboy experience
Comments: 4
Modest misses
In walked my ladyboy model, gave me a wai and a smile, and immediately tugged down her shorts and her pants, standing in my living room with her dick in her hand.
“Hang on, hang on,” I said. “Not yet! I’m not even holding the camera.”
I explained to her that I needed to take shots of her clothes coming off, as that was very sexy, and once that was done she could do whatever she felt like doing. She gave another little smile, and tugged her pants and shorts back into position.
Ladyboys are not shy. This is part of their appeal. They will peel their clothes off without hesitation (it helps if money is involved, of course) and stand starkers in your home or your hotel room, waiting for you to do whatever you want to them. And if you are holding a camera, that (a) gives you even more authority, and (b) makes them even more provocative.
This particular model was a little bundle of energy. We quickly reached the point where her pants were off again, and she turned and parted her bottom cheeks, giving me a spectacular view of a very inviting little opening. Yes, I did manage to keep taking the photos, thanks. Then grabbing her cock she shot a great wet load in about sixty seconds flat, and lay back with her eyes closed. Clearly, she needed that.
Even the shyer ladyboys have no qualms about undressing in front of me. They arrive looking a little bit scared, but my assistant Ek has already reassured them I am not a monster (hah!) and the first few minutes are spent putting the model at her ease. A glass of water, a chat about where she comes from and what she does, a couple of jokey comments…anything to relax her. Then off we go. By the time the session is finished, we are on very friendly terms. I have watched her do the most intimate things. She in turn has been treated with respect, had a bit of a laugh, and earned some money. Although I have on occasions dealt with models who have been surly, I have never, as far as I can remember, ever had a bad session. Never had to stop and cancel a shoot, never had an argument.
But to return to this lack of shyness about undressing. Ladyboys will undress in front of me with no hesitation whatsoever. But they are scared witless at the thought of being seen naked by their friends.
During the week I did two shoots back to back during the course of an afternoon. Both the models were from Cascade, in Nana Plaza, and they knew each other. The first one came in while the second one waited with Ek in the food court area of the building. After we had done the first shoot the model went into the bathroom to shower and, I thought, to get dressed. So I called Ek and he arrived with the other girl, just at the time the first one was emerging completely naked from the bathroom. She had in fact left her clothes in the bedroom.
It would be difficult to say which of the two girls was the most embarrassed. The naked one almost went into hysterics. This however was a girl who during the preceding hour had undressed in front of me, got onto her elbows and knees so that I could photograph right up her bottom, played with her dick in the most tantalising manner, and then wanked off and spurted cum all over herself. Not shy at all. And of course both girls were no doubt perfectly at ease wandering around in Cascade dressed only in skimpy bikini outfits, acting in the most provocative way possible to entice customers into taking them out for the evening.
This fear of their friends seeing them naked extends to the photographs. A model will quite happily stand naked next to me while I show her her own photos on the screen, but if she has a friend about to come into the room for a shoot, will ask me please not to show her friend the pictures. I was playing a video back to one of my recent models while she was standing, fully-clothed, watching with satisfaction. When a tap at the door signalled the arrival of Ek and the next model, she flew into a panic. “Not show, not show!” she gasped, waving her hands at the screen. I closed the video. I’ll go along with it all. I rather like them modest, to be honest.
Posted: September 13th, 2011 under General.
Tags: The ladyboy experience
Comments: none
The medium is the massage
When I wrote on the main site recently that there were no ladyboy massage parlours in Thailand I knew of, a member emailed me straight away to say that there was in fact one in Phuket. It is called Tootsie Massage and is located on the middle road at Patong Beach, he said, going on to give specific directions:
“It is toward the south end of the road on the side farthest away from the beach. As you travel south along the middle road you will see on your left an orangy coloured building with Loma Massage written on it, take the next left after that and Tootsie Massage is tucked away in this cul-de sac. They usually have five or six girls to choose from.”
It’s been a couple of years since I was last in Phuket, so I’m a bit out of touch with the ladyboy scene there. But I googled the name, and found that Tootsie has its own website . They feature pictures of some of their girls, and they really have some lookers. Time for a visit, methinks.
Maybe Tootsie is the vanguard of a coming wave of ladyboy massage parlours. In my previous post I went on a bit about the economics of such a place, and while it might be a costly concept in Bangkok, it might well be more feasible in Phuket or Pattaya, where the rents will be cheaper if you are away slightly from the beaten track.
For a massage parlour to make money, you need volume. The massage process takes, say, an hour. It also takes up a sizeable room, so you need a largish building. The system works with GGs, and on a smaller scale with gays. But as to having a ladyboy massage parlour, maybe the economics simply does not stack up. Maybe there are just not enough customers. Yet.
A massage from an energetic ladyboy is certainly a thrilling experience, if organised at home or in the hotel. Not that long ago I had a regular ladyboy visitor who liked to join me in the bath, and rub her soapy little body and hard cock all over me. Another liked to give me a dry body massage, using her own body, which was exhilarating but didn’t last long because I would soon feel a hot damp patch spread over my stomach or back, at which point she would collapse upon me with a giggle and a sigh. True, I didn’t get much muscle relaxation, but she did point out, as she rubbed her cum into me, that it is good for the skin.
Yet another had a very neat line in sitting, carefully, on a very sensitive part of me, with her back to me, and giving me a massage with her bottom. Those sessions were quickly over too, although I was the one who was first to cause the damp patch.
And yet another would walk along my spine while I lay face down on a mat. She was an expert masseur, having gone through a course in her home town, and she was so light and well balanced that what might sound like a worrying experience was in fact a restful one, with her feet warm on me and her toes kneading my back. The first time she did it, I rolled over after she hopped off, just in time to see her with an evil grin take hold of her cock and spurt hot cum over my face and chest. Little minx.
So when you think about it, a massage from a ladyboy has more possibilities than a massage from a genetic girl. The only drawback is, that one ladyboy would only be able to service a limited number of customers in one night. So, if you are going to visit Tootsie, I would recommend an early start.
Posted: August 31st, 2011 under General.
Tags: The ladyboy experience
Comments: 4