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Have you wondered what it would be like
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Best Foot Forward

Asian transexuals at third sexA member emailed asking why I don’t include more pictures of ladyboy feet. He had a point. I do like pretty feet, but although I usually check out the model’s feet during a shoot, I seldom find anything worth photographing. The fact is that ladyboys seldom have attractive feet. I was talking to Ton about this, and she said, so solemnly I burst out laughing, “Ladyboy have big foot.”

Of course, like the Adam’s apple, the foot is one of the hardest parts of the body for the ladyboy to disguise. During a recent shoot one tiny ladyboy had feet so big and clumpy that I deliberately kept them out of the frame. Luckily she more than made up for it in other departments.

Although many ladyboys pay a lot of attention to their hands, and have beautiful hands as a result (Dew is a prime example – she can bend her hands back like a traditional Thai dancer), not many take real care of their feet, except maybe to experiment with nail polish and glue-on false nails. For the Thais, the feet are the lowest part of the body (never point your foot at a Thai), and this may have something to do with it.

Moving slightly upwards, the lower legs of many Thais, not just ladyboys, are also a problem for a photographer.

Look at the legs of any Thai person, male or female, and you are going to find various markings in common. For a start, on the inside right calf you will frequently find a lozenge-shaped patch of discoloured skin. Falling off motorcycles is part of the job description for being a Thai. That scar is a result of the leg coming into contact with the hot exhaust pipe.

On the front of the thigh you will often find a horizontal scar, caused by the wing mirror as the hapless rider sails past the handlebars. Non-road accident markings include blotches from insect bites and paddy field worms, in the case of upcountry Thais. And given that rubber flip-flops are the standard footwear for casual use, minor cuts, bruises and abrasions are the norm for the toes.

So, yes, I usually check the feet. Sometimes I am pleasantly surprised. But in the absence of a foot fetish (I’ve got quite enough other fetishes, thank you), sometimes I just plain forget.

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